Bring Peace to Panic Attacks With Three Simple Tips

What are Panic Attacks? Panic attacks are literally that, an attack of sudden panic. They can come out of nowhere and are quite scary when they do. There is usually a  “trigger” that starts the attack, which can be rooted deep within the mind itself. A panic attack could even occur standing in line at the market.  For more information…

5 Little Things That Can Help You Manage Depression

When you’re dealing with depression, sometimes even the little things can seem daunting. Cleaning the house and other errands  are simply out of the question when you’re fatigued and all your brain wants you to do is lay there and contemplate your existence. Sometimes, even brushing your hair can feel like burden. Focusing on the…

Curious about Group Therapy?

What is group therapy? When thinking about group therapy, what first comes to mind? Do you think of movie adaptation’s depiction of AA circles, stating your name in front of a group of strangers and listing out slowly what brought you to that point? In truth group therapy looks different depending on what you’re focusing…

Unique Ways to Grieve During the Pandemic

As the holiday season comes to an end accompanied by rising COVID-19 statistics and troubling projections for the winter, many of us will find ourselves dealing with grief. Traditional funeral services featuring large groups of friends and family meeting during wakes, church services, and luncheons are, unfortunately, not currently allowed in many areas. Some families…

How ADHD Affects Distance Learning

There have been studies that discuss how ADHD affects traditional learning in the classroom, but now that more kids are doing distance learning, it’s crucial to understand how ADHD can affect a child’s ability to succeed with virtual education.  Children with ADHD are easily distracted, and they struggle with paying attention to things that don’t…

What Can I Do? Helping a Loved One with Mental Illness

Mental well-being has become something of a rare commodity in our society, and everyone either knows someone dealing with a mental illness disorder or is living with one themselves. It’s easy to feel helpless when a loved one is struggling with an invisible force you may never have experienced or even fully understand, but don’t…