How Individual Counseling Relieves Depression

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that depression occurs among seven percent of the population over the age of 12. Every year, there are approximately eight million visits to clinics and hospitals that result in a primary diagnosis of depressive disorders. Below explains the symptoms of depression and how individual counseling helps.

How Individual Counseling Relieves Depression

Cognitive Concerns

People who are depressed tend to exhibit negative cognitive patterns. That is, they express illogical and pessimistic thought patterns that exacerbate their behavior and attitudes. For example, they may exaggerate minor problem, dwell on their supposed failures and engage in negative self-talk.  These individuals often have experienced past trauma, such as PSTD, relationship abuse or a life-changing accident. Individual counseling and psychotherapy techniques are effective ways to identify and resolve toxic attitudes and unhelpful thought patterns.

Physical Manifestations

Depression may interrupt regular sleep patterns through insomnia, restlessness and early awakening. It may cause the person to physically experience fatigue, hunger, loss of appetite and even weight gain or loss. People with depression may emotionally exhibit irritability, agitation, poor concentration and thoughts of self-harm. People may experience mood swings or symptoms that involve apathy, guilt, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness and loss of interest. Individual counseling may approach these symptoms through anxiety coaching, anger management and depression counseling.

How Individual Counseling Helps

The goal of individual counseling is to help clients gain control over their actions through understanding how their feelings, thoughts and decisions generate actions and consequential outcomes. Individual counseling provides a safe environment where people can express their pain, fears and frustration with a trained therapist. The goals of these constructive sessions include problem solving, overcoming past abuse, making proactive plans and establishing new identities. Clients will enjoy stronger self-esteem and self-confidence while applying their newly learned coping skills in their daily lives.

Individual counseling is an excellent therapeutic tool to conquer personal problems and drive life changing improvements. Anyone experiencing depression who wants a new lease on life should contact us and schedule an appointment today.

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