How to Know When You Need Help for Depression

Everyone experiences crises in life. How you handle these periods plays a great part in your future. There is no shame in getting the help you need to effectively manage your emotions and behaviors. Know when you need assistance with depression by looking for these warning signs:

How to Know When You Need Help for Depression

  • When you have thoughts of harming yourself or others it is time for professional help. For instance, suicidal ideation, fantasizing about taking your life, is a common sign you are no longer able to cope without intervention.
  • The abuse of alcohol or other intoxicating substances requires professional help. When you move beyond social drinking to drinking alone or you exceed the dosage of pain or sleep medications, you need outside assistance.
  • Seek therapy when you experience major changes in eating and sleeping patterns. Significant weight gain or loss points to a need for help.
  • You likely need individual therapy if you suffer more than one important loss during a short time period. For example, if you lose a loved one and then a job within the space of a couple of months, the circumstances can be too great to handle alone.
  • When depression robs you of enjoyment in life, you need counseling. Symptoms of major depression include sadness, lack of energy, loss in interest in things you formerly enjoyed and physical pain with no discernible cause.
  • Schedule an appointment for therapy if you find your moods vacillating greatly. If you have explosive outbursts followed by periods of numbing calmness, something is really wrong and requires help.

Contact us for help with the difficulties in your life.

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