3 Strategies to Prepare for Your Grief Therapy Sessions

We all experience grief at some point in our lives. Grief therapy, support groups, books, classes, and other resources are available to help guide us through difficult times that sometimes feel like they never end. Each resource can support you in different ways. Some may work for yours, while others may not. That’s okay. Grief is not a cookie-cutter experience so we have 3 strategies you can practice to prepare for your grief therapy session.

3 Strategies to Prepare for Your Grief Therapy Sessions

Grief therapy in an individual setting connects you with a professionally trained counselor who helps you manage and cope with the emotions you are experiencing. Even so, setting up that first appointment can be scary. Committing to something new while grieving is extra difficult, and processing your grief can be intimidating.

To guide you on your journey, try these 3 strategies to prepare for your grief therapy sessions.

Engage your support network.

Grieving will not begin and end in your therapy session. It takes time, patience, processing, and a lot of support. Before you attend your session, call on your loved ones for additional emotional needs. If you are hesitant to go alone, ask someone to drive you to your appointment. Know whom you will go to later when you need a shoulder to cry on after the session. Engaging your support network is a great strategy to keep you going and provide additional care during the process.

Give yourself time.

Driving to your appointment may be difficult. Going to work may be difficult. Grief is complex, and you will need time to handle and express your emotions before and after the appointment. Try speaking with your boss about PTO scheduled around your therapy sessions, or even asking someone else to pick up your children after school. Grieving will take time, so give yourself the time to do what you need to do for yourself.

Be good to yourself.

When you are grieving, being good to yourself is tough. Even laughing can feel like a betrayal to the loved one you lost. Acknowledge difficulties you may face around this, and treat yourself when needed. This could mean rewarding yourself after a session with a muffin, going for a long walk, or seeing a movie. If you can’t-do it alone, engage your support system.

Know you are not alone. Stonebriar Counseling Associates is here to help during this difficult time in your life.

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