The Significance of Who We Are

Reflection during the holiday season appears to be an intentional activity for many of us. We have a tendency to examine ourselves and our lifestyles. We look back at the past and look toward the future. We take stock of our lives, consider change, inspect our relationships and investigate the stress in our lives. Sometimes it seems life is so hectic and everyone wants so much of us, we begin to really just wonder “Who am I anyway?” It seems our meaning or value in life is being conformed to what others do, or what others want us to do. Even though we are human beings we seem to relate our identity more to our human doings. The world tells us who we are is determined by what we achieve and what we accomplish rather than in our character and the value God places on us. We search and strive for meaning and satisfaction in things such as our looks, money, degrees and knowledge, jobs, our children’s performance or our significant other’s importance, rather than in our own character-who we are.

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